France’s Anti-Russia Diplomatic Moves: Predictions and Possible Scenarios

What Does President Joe Biden’s National Security and Defense Strategy Tell Us?

Hamas and Iran Relations: Disrupted Middle East Peace in the Axis of Israel, Turkey, and Arab Countries

Preceding President Emmanuel Macron’s Address to the Nation

Portrait of Iran’s Hardline Leader Raisi and the Political Implications of His Death

Biden’s Legacy and Honorable Farewell

Joe Biden announced his widely anticipated decision to withdraw from the candidacy. He had a…

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The Secret Meeting of American Oligarchs: Musk's War with Biden and the Plan to Return Trump to the White House

The Secret Meeting of American Oligarchs: Musk’s War with Biden and the Plan to Return Trump to the White House

Robert Bernard Reich, an American professor who has held significant positions in U.S. politics, particularly…

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The Deepening Complexity of US-Israel Relations: Historical Processes and International Dynamics

The origins of the ties between the United States (US) and Israel are the manifestation…

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Portrait of Iran's Hardline Leader Reisi and the Political Implications of His Death

Portrait of Iran’s Hardline Leader Raisi and the Political Implications of His Death

The death of Iran's President Raisi, who maintained a hardline and aggressive stance in both…

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Kremlin Propaganda and the Resurging Hope of the Russian People: Facts and Misconceptions

As the Russia-Ukraine war approaches its third year, the perception of the war among the…

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Is Germany a state or a tribe?

When Germany is mentioned, in recent years, political, economic, military, social, and now intelligence deficiencies, crises, and turmoil come to mind. Statements made to Politico by the former Director of […]

The Spy Wars Have Reached Dangerous Dimensions!

Russian spies are back, and more dangerous than ever! Kremlin intelligence agencies have learned from their mistakes of the past two years. American intelligence, led by CIA director William Burns, […]